Month after month after month, traditional bank statements generate clutter and use a lot of paper. There's a better way: AIB e-Statements. They're simple, secure, online versions of your bank statement—only sent digitally rather than through the post office. Reduce unnecessary paper usage. Save trees. Eliminate the hassle of sorting through and filing all those pages.
By doing so, you won't just be simplifying your financial life. You'll also be making it more secure. Most identity theft occurs when snail-mail is intercepted or paper information is improperly discarded. That's why identity theft experts recommend e-Statements over paper statements— they keep your personal data much more secure. Ours are protected by the state-of-the-art security of AIB Online Banking.
How do e-Statements work?
- Each month, AIB will send you an e-mail notification as soon as your bank statement is available online.
- You can review your most current statement anytime, simply by logging onto AIB Online Banking.
- You can also review images of all checks that have cleared your account to date.
- Your e-Statement can even be printed or saved to your computer for your permanent records.